About Drilling For Life
Drilling For Life is a charitable Christian organization working to provide access to clean potable water to those who lack this basic necessity. Currently focused on Africa where there is great need, Drilling for Life is composed of a team of professional well drillers and business persons from the United States who partner, train, and equip nationals in locations around the world to “give life one well at a time.” It is registered as a 501(c) in the USA, headquartered in Pennsylvania.
Drilling For Life started operations in 2007 operating under the umbrella of Christian Church International (CCI) but was later registered as Drilling For Life Registered Trustees on 14th January 2010 under Certificate of Incorporation number PS.No 1361/1
Drilling For Life has carried out over 500 projects since its inception, impacting over 1,000,000 livelihoods through drilling and equipping of solar powered boreholes. Drilling For Life partners with donors and well wishers to install water supply systems in remote and marginalized communities of Kenya such as in Pokot – Baringo county, Marsabit, Samburu, Garissa, Turkana, Eastern regions and many other parts of Kenya where there is great need. Schools, Churches and Orphanages have also been impacted by our work. Drilling For Life being a Christian based organization is driven by the virtue of integrity and professionalism which it upholds in all it’s service delivery.
Many areas of the world lack the basic necessity of clean drinking water. Much of Eastern Africa is one such area.
This woman in Kenya walks up to 10 miles to find water when it is scarce. In February 2006, at the invitation of Bishop Henry Mulandi, Ron Weaver and his family visited one such area in Northern Kenya. This is the home of the Turkana people, a nomadic tribe in a semi desert region with little water resources.
Most of the beneficiaries of our projects have been needy rural communities, schools, churches and orphanages. One out of every ten boreholes drilled is either on a purely charitable course or as a partnership where Drilling For Life drills a borehole and the community raises it’s own funds for the survey and permits and the pump.
Our Vision
To train and equip nationals in various regions of East Africa to do the work of water well drilling. This includes setting up bases of operations including but not limited to; shops, equipment and supply centers to perform the activity of water development. Also to promote the advancement of community development in these areas with the building of churches, schools and orphanages as funds become available.
Our Mission
To perform water well drilling and related water development projects to meet the physical, material and spiritual needs of the less fortunate people in the world who lack the basic need of clean drinking water. To develop and commission water well projects and support efforts of community development in these same areas with help for building churches, schools or orphanages to advance the cause of Christ’s Kingdom.